If Elizabeth was a stick of rock, she would haveTeddington written through the middle.
Passionate about politics, Belfast-born Elizabeth has been involved in many political campaigns both locally and nationally for the Conservatives.
As an adopted Teddingtonian - of 45 years’ standing - Elizabeth is a devoted follower of JFK's dictum: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
Giving back is in Elizabeth's DNA which is why she is so involved in the Teddington community.
Actions not words see Elizabeth as the tireless Trustee of many local charities, a dedicated driver with Teddington and Hampton Wick Voluntary Care, a committed carer helping adults with learning disabilities and as an active member of The Teddington Society.
Having sold poppies for the Royal British Legion for 35 years running Elizabeth recently received a well-deserved 'Lifetime Achievement Award' for such service.
She will work diligently to ensure your views are properly represented on the Council.
Famous Teddington resident - the comedian Benny Hill - might have written about "Two Ton Ted from Teddington" who "drove the baker's van" - Elizabeth has the drive to stand up for Teddington residents and to work devotedly for them.